Aged care organisations are now invited to join our free trial: Aged Care free trial

Boost well-being, quality of work life experience and performance.

Appellon establishes an organisational mindset of achievement and connection. We boost well-being, quality of work life experience and performance.

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About Appellon

Appellon is a leading provider of research-backed engagement programs. We specialise in helping organisations assess their well-being and performance, offering actionable insights and dedicated follow-through to support their improvement journey.

Evidence based

Research-backed methodologies to help your organisation and people thrive.

Easy staff engagement

Your platform is designed with ease of participation in mind.


Benefit from customisable learning programs and reporting dashboards.

Measure & improve

Get measurable results, actionable insights and strategies for supporting your people.

Intuitive tools to engage & develop your people

Gauge your team's well-being and alignment to behaviours

Understand the pulse of your organisation and identify areas of improvement to foster a positive and aligned work culture. Gain insights, improve alignment & foster a positive work culture.

Develop your leaders and work force members

Empower your leaders and workforce members to reach their full potential with our development programs. Cultivate essential skills, enhance leadership capabilities, and foster a culture of growth and continuous improvement.

Tailor your development program and reporting dashboards

Customise your development program and reporting dashboards to meet the unique needs of your organisation. Our platform offers flexibility and adaptability, ensuring that you can tailor the experience to align with your specific goals and objectives.

Measure performance with flexible insight breakdowns

Your platform allows you to measure performance with flexible insight breakdowns. Gain a comprehensive understanding of performance metrics, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions to drive organisational success.

Showcase your people and nurture a culture of positivity

Engage your organisation and celebrate your people's success. Create a culture of recognition and appreciation, share achievements, and inspire your team members to strive for excellence.

Help your people & organisation thrive

Create your own culture & people platform for free today

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